Things to know before purchasing the course

The Level 1 and Level 2 Certifications certify you for in-person group classes only. Only 1-2-1 sessions can be done online or in-person.

The Level 1 Certification is a 1-year course which begins at the time of purchase. Please spend the first 6 months of your training studying the Level 1 Workout and the reading materials. Practice teaching the Level 1 Workout to two or more people at a time (a class) for a minimum of 20 hours. You will be offered assessments at 6 months, 9 months or 12 months. If you do not complete by 12 months you will need to repurchase the entire course.
*Extensions will be approved for medical reasons.


Once you have purchased the course you will be invited to a “Welcome Meeting” with Josh and Haydn. These normally take place once per month on a Monday at 12pm Eastern. If you can’t attend please do not worry, a link to the recording will be emailed out to you after the meeting.

The Path To Being An Instructor

From the day you make purchase the course, you have 12 months to complete!
1) Purchase the Level 1 Certification Course
2) Workout to the Level 1 Workout and other DDPY Workouts for 100 hours, remember you must learn the Level 1 Workout from memory.
3)  Read Positively Unstoppable by Diamond Dallas Page and Yoga For Regular Guys
4) Study the Level 1 Manual and DDPY Program Guide
5) Practise teaching the Level 1 Workout to 2 or more people at a time for at least 20 hours.


For Level 1 these are done live with your assessor (Haydn, Josh or both) watching on Zoom. You are eligible for assessment from 6 months into your training. If you are not successful at 6 months you can try again at 9 months and at 12 months. Please do not wait for 12 months as you only get one opportunity to pass the course.
Assessments are run every January, April, July and October. Specific dates are released 6 weeks prior to each assessment.
Once you have completed your assessment you will need to submit your Workout Journal, Sample Food Journal and Diamond Dozen Cues and Anatomy for review.
If these are accepted you will be sent a link to Final Test.